Winter 2019 -- Week 9 - Direct painting ala Daniel Novotny, with a tip of the hat to Edgar Whitney

Winter 2019 -- Week 9 - Direct painting ala Daniel Novotny, with a tip of the had to Edgar Whitney

In class Demo (finished after class)

  • If, when facing the paper, you say to yourself, 'I'm an artist,' you haven't a clue as to what to do! If, however, you say, 'I am an entertainer, a shapemaker and an expressive symbol collector,' you know the task ahead and how to proceed. (Edgar A. Whitney)
  • No door is closed to a stubborn scholar. (Edgar A. Whitney)
  • Learn more about Edgar Whitney at the Edgar Whitney Water Color Archives
  • Edgar Whitney's 6 Pattern Schemes
    • To help his students at the early stages of their learning, Ed devised recipes for producing successful value sketches. He urged them to pick one as a design for their painting. He had analyzed about 100 hundred or so painting schemes which had withstood the test of time and had proved to be successful. These 6 basic pattern schemes are in no way constrictive, but rather allow for an infinite variety of possibilities.
  • Daniel Novotny is an award-winning watercolorist based in Slovakia. His process begins with analyzing the subject of his painting and producing a value study (similar to Whitney's pattern schemes). He studies art relentlessly and emphasizes the importance of understanding the context in which artists create. the laws of composition and conceives painting as an abstract shape configuration.
  • Learn more about Daniel Novotny, including his Whitney Pattern Series

YouTube Video Tutorials by Daniel Novotny

Winter 2019 -- Week 8 - Loose Flowers and Leaves

Week 8 - Loose Flowers and Leaves

Winter 2019 -- Week 7

Week 7

-- Under Construction --

Winter 2019 -- Week 6 - Paint a Value Study onto an abstract background

Winter 2019 -- Week 6 - Paint a Value Study onto an abstract background

Class Demo (finished at home)

Winter 2019 -- Week 5 - Negative Painting with a Spray Bottle

Week 5 - Negative Painting with a Spray Bottle

Introduction to painting negative spacing utilizing a spray bottle. The first image is the example I brought to class (which I painted just before class).
Example (Painted before Class)

Class Demo (Unfinished)
Class Demo (Finished)
Another Example I talked about in Class (but didn't bring)

Winter 2019 -- Week 4 - Atmospheric Perspective - Stevo's Watercolor Blog

Stevo's Watercolor Blog - Week 4 - Atmospheric Perspective

CAO Bei An, a watercolorist featured in Realistic Abstracts by van Aalst

Bei An Cao  Born:  1957 Cao Bei-an was born in 1957 in Shanghai, China. He obtained the graduate of the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in 198...