Winter 2020 Week 1: Aerial Perspective

Schedule for 8 week Quarter:

  • Week 1: Aerial Perspective
  • Week 2: Negative Painting with Fine Mist Spray (be sure to bring a mist spray bottle to class)
  • Week 3: Simplifying a Scene
  • Week 4: Florals
  • Week 5: Trees
  • Week 6: Painting with a Palette Knife or plastic loyalty card
  • Week 7: Realistic Abstracts
  • Week 8: Spontaneous Watercolor Painting ala Nita Engle


Video Tutorials

In Class Demo (Incomplete)

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CAO Bei An, a watercolorist featured in Realistic Abstracts by van Aalst

Bei An Cao  Born:  1957 Cao Bei-an was born in 1957 in Shanghai, China. He obtained the graduate of the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in 198...